US News


More than 150 family friends and colleagues of New York 1 reporterRebecca Spitz held an interfaith prayer vigil last night at the hospital where she’s been recovering from a coma since a Sept. 19 accident.

They packed the chapel of St. Luke’s Hospital to pray for the 32-year-old reporter, who suffered multiple skull fractures when she was struck by the side-view mirror of a passing truck while covering a story in Harlem.

“We felt warm and nourished by the love and prayers we received,” said Spitz’s mother, Susan.

Mayor Bloomberg told the congregation, “She really represents the best of journalism.

“She’s a wonderful young lady who really is the best of what New York is.”

Her father, Henry, said Spitz is “making slow and steady progress,” adding:

“It’s going to take time, but we have a lot of that.”