US News


WASHINGTON – Sen. John Kerry (D-Mass.) won the endorsement yesterday of former Colorado Sen. Gary Hart, who twice ran for president in the 1980s.

Hart said Kerry is the most experienced on foreign policy, the military and the federal budget.

“It takes years of preparation and we just don’t hold our candidates to that standard,” Hart said.

Hart famously sunk his own 1984 presidential campaign by getting caught in a fling with model Donna Rice. Pictures showed the two of them frolicking on a boat called “Monkey Business.”

Kerry called Hart “a voice of consequence, of real weight.”

A new poll in South Carolina, one of the early primary states, shows Sen. John Edwards (D-N.C.) in the lead.

Edwards led with 16 percent, Sen. Joe Lieberman (D-Conn.) was second with 14 percent, and 42 percent were undecided, according to the poll by American Research Group of New Hampshire.