

THE Jets are a dead, flat team on both sides of the ball and the absence of two particular players has a lot to do with the problem, which, in turn, has a direct effect on their lost-in-space 0-4 record.

Wish you were here, Josh Evans and Randy Thomas.

Each player represented three critical elements to the Jets, elements that they’ve been missing in a big way through these four games: Not only was each a good, solid dependable player, but each was a lifebeat of the locker room and each was a genuine tough guy.

Thomas, who was allowed to flee via free agency without any resistance from Jet management this past offseason, was as much the strength of their offensive line as anyone, Pro Bowl center Kevin Mawae included. You rarely heard of mess-ups coming from Thomas’ right guard spot from the moment he stepped in as a rookie starter.

Thomas, too, was the toughest player on that line and he was, without argument, the one player on offense who ignited his team inside that locker room before games. His pre-game tantrums/rallying cries had become legend and they were embraced by every player in the room.

Thomas, of course, is now blocking for and motivating a 3-1 Redskin team.

Shame on the Jets for not even attempting to retain him, thinking that the big contracts they gave to Mawae and left tackle Jason Fabini was enough money spent on the line.

When big-play receiver Laveranues Coles fled the Jets for Daniel Snyder’s money in that well-documented controversy of revisionist history, Jet fans screamed, and justifiably so. Coles was not only a terrific player who’s now become one of the most dominant offensive playmakers in the game, but he was another tough player.

Thomas, however, was allowed to leave town quietly, and his presence is missed at least as much as Coles’ despite the fact that Coles’ gaudy statistics might suggest otherwise.

Evans was Thomas on the defensive side of the ball, a consistent performer at defensive tackle with a relentless motor who was not only a tough guy, but someone who was immediately embraced inside the locker room.

Evans, a maniac on the field, though always with a smile on his face, would not stand for 174 rushing yards a game being rammed down his defense’s throat. He’d be in guys’ grills the moment the first long run was popped.

Evans, who was signed before last season, was a rare newcomer to a team who was immediately embraced inside the always-complicated sanctuary of a professional sports locker room. He was a player teammates looked to inside that room and on the field.

The Jets’ locker room sorely misses these two players. One’s absence is their own fault, the other’s was unfortunately out of their control.

The Jets should have at least made a legitimate play to keep Thomas, who admittedly did sign for a big number ($7 million bonus) in Washington. Had they shown him a little love earlier, though, the way they did Mawae and Fabini, it might never have come to free agency.

Evans, serving a suspension for a repeat substance abuse violation, isn’t playing because of his own doing.

The losses of these two players left a gaping hole in the Jets’ chemistry. Without those two players, the locker room sometimes feels empty.

Right now, there is no chemistry bond on this team. Players seem to be waywardly wandering their own way, which is why you have these same defensive problems every week with players in the wrong gaps while opposing running backs are running free like deer in empty fields.