US News


The City Council yesterday approved the “Calvin Klein” bill to toughen fines for out-of-control or unruly behavior that spills onto playing fields of professional sporting events.

The measure, which passed on a 42-1 vote, has been nicknamed after the designer because it will prohibit scenarios like the bizarre incident involving Klein at a Knicks game in March.

He caused a ruckus when he left his courtside seat mid-game and sashayed over to guard Latrell Sprewell on court and whispered something to him. Security personnel had to escort Klein off the court.

The change was initiated by Council Speaker Gifford Miller (D-Manhattan), who didn’t comment on it before dashing to see the Yankees game yesterday. The bill not only imposes up to a $1,000 fine, it could carry up to a year in jail.

“It absolutely is the toughest in the country, and I think its appropriate that New York City lead by example here,” said Peter Vallone Jr., chair of the council’s Committee on Public Safety.

“You know that anyone who wants publicity is going to come to the publicity capital of the world,” he added, saying most offenders do it for the notoriety.

The bill also makes it easier for ballplayers who are “aggrieved” to seek damages in court by imposing civil penalties of up to $5,000 if they sue or up to $25,000 if they have been struck or had unwelcome physical contact

“Which means if you sue someone for doing this, you don’t have to prove damages. It’s an automatic $25,000,” Vallone said.

The new law, which has the support of Major League Baseball and the professional tennis, covers locker rooms and bullpens and is effective the moment a spectator walks into the stadium. So, running onto a field even before the game has begun could get you a $1,000 fine.

Charles Barron (D-Brooklyn) voted against it, saying this was going too far.

“If somebody beats up an umpire, they should be charged with assault. We don’t need [a] special law for that.”

The law takes effect as soon as Mayor Bloomberg signs the bill. It does not cover incidents in which participants attack each other, like when Sprewell angrily choked a former coach in 1997.

The ‘Calvin’ bill:

* Penalty for unlawfully entering paying area of sporting event: Fine of up to $1,000 and/or up to a year in jail.

* Striking or attempting to strike participant or have physical contact with participants would cost $10,000-$25,000 if they sue.

* Participants include players, umpires, referees, coaches, managers, groundskeepers, security personnel and others.