US News


Eric Culbertson saved for more than a year to buy a $10,000 engagement ring for his girlfriend, then lost it in a taxi.

The 28-year-old Chicago man was about to propose to Krista Saputo when he discovered the ring was gone from his pocket.

Undaunted, he went out, bought a $40 cubic zirconia ring and asked Saputo to marry him. She accepted.


Twelve people were injured during a mad scramble at a Florida shopping center when a man threw $10,000 into the air.

The dough, in $2 bills, was fired from a cannon in St. Petersburg by real-estate investor Kevin Shelton.

He said he didn’t plan on anybody getting hurt, but simply wanted to brighten everybody’s day and spark generosity in others.


Italy has placed three of the world’s most adorable pooches – border collies, corgis and St. Bernards – on a “dangerous dogs” list that bans kids and criminals from owning them.

The move follows a series of pit-bull attacks and places restrictions on ownership of 92 kinds of “threatening” canines.

Animal lovers are furious and point out that border collies are so gentle that farmers use them to herd sheep and corgis are so sweet that even the royal family owns them.


Brandi Carbee, 31, and Natalie Svenvold, 24, have the sorest behinds in America – but that’s what happens when you spend 75 hours on a seesaw.

The women, who set a world record for teeter-tottering in Puyallup, Wash., say the constant motion also had them hallucinating.

“It’s kind of like being drunk. Last night, somehow, I thought I was in California,” said Svenvold.


There was a very good reason why Lamphan Yinsuth had suffered intense stomach pains since undergoing a hysterectomy in 1997 – careless surgeons left a pair of forceps in her gut.

The goof was uncovered when Yinsuth, 46, of Bangkok, was X-rayed and technicians spotted the 11-inch-long, 2-inch wide surgical instrument lodged in her abdomen.

For compensation, the hospital agreed to remove the forceps for free and pay Yinsuth $9,520.