

Driver David Miller said in order to beat 1-5 favorite Allamerican Native, he’d have to stay close to him. He did, and won yesterday’s $331,000 Cane Pace final at Freehold Raceway.

Allamerican Native, driven by John Campbell, took the lead, yielded to Dream Wave and Luc Ouellette, and then retook command after the quarter pole. The quarter went in :26 3/5.

“I intended to leave and take my shot early, but when I saw [George] Brennan [driving Nvincibl Artist] leave, I happened to drop in,” said Miller.

Miller, driving 3-1 second choice No Pan Intended, went first up approaching the half-mile marker and took over the coveted pocket behind Allamerican Native, when Dream Wave tired badly approaching three quarters.

No Pan Intended challenged Allamerican Native at the top of the stretch and easily went on to score a 1 1/2-length victory in 1:53 3/5. A late closing Tidal Search got up for second over Allamerican Native, who hung on for third.