US News


Some of the city’s most prominent citizens will be the judges charged with selecting the winners of The Post’s second annual Liberty Medal Awards, which sing the praises of New York’s unsung heroes.

The panelists, who come from all walks of city life, include Police Commissioner Ray Kelly; Fire Commissioner Nicholas Scoppetta; city Comptroller William Thompson; the Rev. Ruben Diaz Sr., a state senator; Mets owner Fred Wilpon; Lloyd Williams, president and CEO of the Greater Harlem Chamber of Commerce; philanthropist Jessica Seinfeld, the wife of Jerry Seinfeld; and Miramax Films co-chairman Harvey Weinstein.

“The world of film offers us many heroes who inspire us with superhuman acts of courage, strength of character and memorable personalities,” Weinstein said.

“By establishing the Liberty Medals, The Post offers a rare opportunity to honor our fellow New Yorkers – men and women who have demonstrated real-life strength, courage, character and commitment to making this the greatest city in the world.”

The panel will pore over readers’ nominations of New Yorkers whose goodness, grit and deeds make the city shine and will determine winners in 10 categories. The heroes will be honored Oct. 2 at a Gracie Mansion ceremony. “There is no greater measure of a society’s strength than its ability to recognize and learn from its true heroes,” Diaz said.

“The Liberty Medal accomplishes both these goals and in so doing, inspires New Yorkers to champion real leadership on both a local and national level.”

Other judges include Graydon Carter, editor of Vanity Fair; Fox News Channel’s Greta Van Susteren; Rabbi Arthur Schneier of Park East Synagogue, the president of the Appeal of Conscience Foundation; Moises Perez, executive director of Alianza Dominicana; Barbara Ann Teer, founder and CEO of the National Black Theatre Institute of Action Art; and Kathryn Wylde, president and CEO of the Partnership for New York City.

“The business community applauds the New York Post for its Liberty Medal Awards,” Wylde said. “With the blackout of 2003 behind us, this is a perfect time to salute New Yorkers, who have proven once again to be remarkably courageous and resilient citizens.”

Also on the panel are Randi Weingarten, president of the United Federation of Teachers; Ed Malloy, president of the Building and Construction Trades Council; Roy Innis, national chairman and CEO of CORE; and Silda Wall, president of the Children for Children Foundation and the wife of state Attorney General Eliot Spitzer.

Other panelists are New York Post editor in chief Col Allan, Page Six columnist Richard Johnson, and Roger Ailes, chairman of Fox News Channel.