US News


Pedestrians across the city will have the “light” of way by the end of the year.

The city is in the final stage of replacing all of its 77,000 “Walk/Don’t Walk” lights with new energy-efficient units in a bid to save $4 million a year, officials said.

The new traffic displays – illuminated by light-emitting diodes instead of bulbs – feature a white walking figure alerting people to go, and an orange open hand for stop.

They were first installed in Queens and have been slowly popping up across the city over the last three years.

The new LED models use only eight watts and have a projected life of 12 years, compared with the old lights, which use 67 watts and have a two-year lifespan.

“This new system will not only reduce our electrical bills, but also cut down on maintenance costs. That’s always a good thing,” said city Department of Transportation spokesman Tom Cocola.

The DOT has installed the new traffic lights at all intersections in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island, and has 850 more to go in The Bronx and 2,700 in Manhattan.

“We expect to be done with this great project by the end of the year,” said Cocola. “It’s been a process where we have been slowly blanketing the city with them.”

The Post first reported the city was changing over to the new signals three years ago, when the DOT installed the first one at the corner of 35th Street and Queens Boulevard as part of a pilot program.

The $27 million project is covered by a special state street and highway fund.

Pedestrians said they like the new lights.

“They’re brighter than the old ones,” said Michele Curtis, 45, as she crossed 47th Street and Sixth Avenue. “It was a good move for the city to get them.”