

A Web site recently published its list of the most overrated players and entertainers in history.

It sparked debates and spawned other lists, such as ones of underrated players.

As far as rotisserie baseball goes, these types of lists are invaluable. The secret to fantasy sports is trading high and buying low, and name recognition has a lot to do with how much you can obtain for a particular player or how little you must give for a gem.

Here is the Rotisserie Files’ list of the most underrrated and overrated baseball players:


These are the guys you must be wary of, whether it’s because they fail to put up numbers or they’re injury prone. These players usually are the ones who have had at least one stellar year but have trailed off dramatically. We used to call it the Ben Grieve Syndrome. This year we’ll go with Paul Konerko Disease.

Konerko’s an aggravating case, not only because he’s sitting on the bench for both the White Sox and our squad a year after an All-Star appearance. He’s been great the past four seasons, but is having a huge down year. This is where you trade high. Konerko is a very recognizable name and you can exploit an ignorant owner, or one who thinks Konerko will come around in the second half.

Next up is Shawn Green (Dodgers). We believe his best is yet to come; he can’t do much worse. Again, he has a recognizable name and you probably could get a front-line starter for him. But that’s only if you’ve lost faith, which is not recommended.

Then there’s Sammy Sosa (Cubs). Trade him. Few players match his name recognition, and that will prove important on the trade front. We don’t recommend carrying him over anyway, so you might as well get what you can for him. His rep has been spoiled a touch thanks to the corked-bat incident, but there are plenty of owners out there who would drool if Sosa were put in front of them.


There are plenty of underrated players this year. I’m sure there will be arguments on this one, but we still consider Albert Pujols (Cardinals) underrated. Despite his accomplishments, he still wouldn’t make a lot of top 5 lists, when he deserves to be in the top 3.

Maybe it’s because he plays a plethora of positions (which is invaluable in fantasy leagues, by the way). Maybe it’s because he plays in St. Louis. While a devout baseball town, it’s not New York or Los Angeles. Whatever it is, this guy deserves some props.

How about Melvin Mora (Orioles)? He’s never hit higher than .275, but is now leading the AL with a .350 batting average. We don’t think he can keep it up, but if you think he can, you can certainly trade a mid-level player for Mora. It helps that he plays a position (OF) with an abundance of talent. Owners will be more willing to give him up, thinking that he’s easily replaceable.

We give. Esteban Loaiza (White Sox) is incredible. We didn’t want to believe it, but he continues to prove all doubters wrong. Loaiza probably will start the All-Star Game, which will make him a fantasy household name. It might make it harder to trade for him, but it will drive up the stakes for those who want to unload him.

Vernon Wells (Blue Jays). When you hear “Blue Jays,” you think “Carlos Delgado.” Wells quietly is in second place in RBIs in the AL, behind, you guessed it, Delgado. You may be able to sneak an unfair trade on an unknowing or apathetic owner.


Who are your most underrated and overrated players? Should Pujols be on this list?

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