US News


Schools Chancellor Joel Klein said yesterday he would maintain a policy that allows thousands of kids who flunk standardized math and English exams to be promoted to the next grade – if they do well in class and have good attendance.

“It will probably be the current policy,” Klein told The Post editorial board when asked whether he would change the criteria on whether students are promoted or held back.

The city’s existing policy, established by the old Board of Education in 1999, bases promotion on three things: standardized-test scores, attendance and classroom work.

That policy was implemented to limit “social promotion” – the practice of promoting kids because of their age rather than their performance.

Critics have complained the policy still perpetuates social promotion because teachers and principals often pass students for having high attendance and classroom skills – although they did poorly on the math and reading exams.

In January, Mayor Bloomberg said, “We will not tolerate social promotion in our schools.”

Last year, 95 percent of students in grades 3 through 8 were promoted although a majority failed proficiency tests.

But Klein argued that holding back a massive number of students would only makes things worse.

He called it a “no-win” situation.

“I’ve had this discussion with a lot of people. There’s not a lot of evidence that says if you leave more kids behind that they’ll catch up,” Klein said.

He said requiring students to repeat a grade creates another set of problems, particularly mixing older students and younger ones in the same classes.

“To be frank, this is an area where I think the headlines are jazzier than the realities,” Klein said.

He said the most important thing is to do a good job of instructing students in the early grades instead of playing “catch up.”

Herman Badillo, former City University of New York chairman who eliminated automatic admissions to CUNY’s senior colleges, slammed Klein’s decision.

“Establishing standards is important. You don’t promote students unless they perform. The current policy is social promotion,” Badillo said.

He said holding back a large number of students is possible if they’re placed in remedial programs rather than mixed with younger students.