US News


A Who’s Who of Wall Street pledged to stuff President Bush’s coffers last night at his record New York fund-raiser.

Lehman Bros. CEO Richard Fuld Jr., KKR chief Henry Kravis and his socialite/charitable wife, Marie-Josee, and Bank of New York chief Thomas Renyi were among the general chairs who pledged to raise at least $200,000 for Bush’s re-election.

So were Joseph Grano Jr. of UBS-PaineWebber, AIG’s Maurice Greenberg, Pfizer CEO Henry McKinnell Jr., Merrill Lynch megapower Stan O’Neal, Henry Paulson of Goldman Sachs and Credit Suise First Boston’s John Mack.

Conspicuously missing from the Wall Street list was Citicorp’s Sandy Weill, who is close to Democratic megadonor Bob Rubin, the former Treasury secretary under Bill Clinton.

There was a shortage of the kind of Hollywood types who fill Democratic cash bashes, but the sports world was represented by Jets owner Woody Johnson.

There were plenty of Republican political stars – Gov. Pataki, Mayor Bloomberg and former Mayor Rudy Giuliani plus former Sen. Al D’Amato, Manhattan GOP chief James Ortenzio, unsuccessful state comptroller candidate John Faso and Bruce Gelb, ambassador to Belgium under Bush’s dad.

Also at the event were Rep. Vito Fossella of Staten Island, former Rep. Rick Lazio, who lost to Sen. Hillary Clinton, Lt. Gov. Mary Donahue and GOP fund-raiser Georgette Mosbacher.