

Forty-eight hours did wonders for George Steinbrenner’s spirits.

Aside from declining to address Don Zimmer’s pointed comments, the Boss was practically giddy over his club’s 6-5 win against the arch rival Red Sox, a far cry from his mood after Monday’s loss.

“We won two of three from Boston. We’re a half-game behind them,” Steinbrenner said.

“We’re going to play Detroit. What I don’t like is who we’re going to have to play and who [the Red Sox are] playing. They’re going to have to play Milwaukee and Pittsburgh. Then we have to play the Cubs, tough; and Cincinnati, tough.”

Steinbrenner exited Yankee Stadium last night approximately 30 minutes after Brandon Lyon’s final pitch in the ninth inning was ruled low for ball four, pushing Jorge Posada to first and Hideki Matsui home with the winning run.

As The Boss headed to the parking lot, he was swarmed by reporters.

After security guards initially blocked the press from Steinbrenner, The Boss relented and happily chatted away.

Asked about the organizational meetings that took place the last few days, Steinbrenner said, “I think we’ve accomplished a lot. We haven’t finished yet, but we have pretty well thought on what we’re going to be doing.”

Steinbrenner also wished to further clarify remarks on Matsui. After criticizing his center fielder Monday, Steinbrenner offered effusive praise for him Tuesday night, saying he played standout defense and calling him “a pleasure to have in the clubhouse.”

Last night, he continued to heap superlatives on his Japanese star.

“I think Hideki is great. I never said he was not,” Steinbrenner said. “Somebody took that and twisted it. He’s done everything he could be asked to do and look at what he did today: two key hits.”

Asked whether he wanted GM Brian Cashman to add another big bat to his inconsistent and injury-ravaged lineup, Steinbrenner exhibited a quick wit.

“I’m not sure. Let’s see what I got left,” he said, digging through a bag he was carrying. “You got any money? Anybody want to contribute?”

With that, The Boss laughed heartily and headed to his waiting car. He was far happier than he was just 48 hours earlier.