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A Long Island school janitor turned his bedroom into a shrine to Adolf Hitler and white supremacy – complete with coffee mugs featuring the Fuhrer’s face, Aryan coloring books and a black doll with a noose around its neck, police said yesterday.

Joseph Donato Jr., 34, was arrested on weapons-possession charges after cops raided his West Islip home based on information that he had a stash of illegal firearms.

They found 22 guns including a loaded AR-15 assault rifle, a Remington shotgun, an AK-47, and several semiautomatic pistols, as well as 3,000 rounds of ammunition, bayonets, knives, swords and numchuk sticks, authorities said.

But there was a lot more.

Found were: German and confederate battle flags, manifestos on white power, two wall portraits and a bust of Hitler, a Hitler play doll, a Ku Klux Klan costume, Ninja outfits and weapons and a photo of Oklahoma City bomber Timothy McVeigh, police said.

Clothing adorned with swastikas and other racist emblems, Aryan pamphlets and survivalist literature were also found.

Donato, a custodian at the John Q. Adams Elementary School in Deer Park, is “a member of Ku Klux Klan,” said Suffolk District Attorney Thomas Spota.

Suffolk Detective James Burke said the gun charges stem from two assault weapons.

Donato, who lives with his father, was arrested Friday afternoon at the school.

He pleaded not guilty in Suffolk District Court and was released on $2,500 bail.