US News


Viewers tuned into the QVC shopping network in New Hampshire got a lot more than they bargained for.

The shop-at-home channel in Manchester suddenly began airing eye-popping scenes from a hard-core porn flick Friday afternoon. Officials at Comcast have no idea how the X-rated scenes got on, and some viewers say they’ll be watching carefully today.

Here’s something the fortune tellers of New Orleans never predicted – they’ve been banned from the French Quarter.

The City Council said that despite the popularity of the crystal-ball readers, the “mystics” were overrunning the area and driving away artists. Painter Lee Tucker said, “There could be mud wrestling in the cathedral or a go-cart track around the park and I’m sure a lot of people would like that.”

Vampires are really just poor, misunderstood creatures who have many of the same desires as humans.

That’s the word from the third annual World Dracula Congress, which studies the lore surrounding the bloodsuckers. It is now under way in the Romanian town of Sighisoara.

“Two of the most important drives are the sex drive and the fear of death, and the vampire is a symbol for both,” explained Alan Murdie, of England’s Ghost Club.

An actor kidnapped a Colombian film director in a bizarre bid to land a part in a new movie.

Emilio Marlle was grabbed by an armed, masked man in the capital of Bogota. After Marlle was shoved in a car, the man took off his mask to reveal he was soap actor Gregorio Pernia.

Marlle, who was unimpressed, said, “That a**- hole almost kills me! I have not chosen the actor for this part yet, and I hope that other actors don’t follow his example.”

Men are as likely as women to say, “Does my butt look big in this,” a new survey has revealed.

The poll of 300 men by Slim-Fast says guys worry about their bodies just as much as women do, and are wracked with “body insecurity.” In other results, men were more likely to worry about getting a beer belly than about losing their jobs.