

PITTSBURGH – Art Howe’s set lineup has officially been scrapped.

The Mets manager, looking for some offense from a club hitting .214, benched center fielder Roger Cedeno and moved Roberto Alomar to the leadoff spot for last night’s series finale against the Pirates.

Howe didn’t post the lineup card in the clubhouse until he spoke with the second baseman in his office. Cedeno, however, was not debriefed by the skipper.

“We’re trying to shake up the lineup and get the offense going,” Howe said. “I don’t want to point the finger at Roger or let you guys think I’m pointing the finger at him.”

But asked if Cedeno was still his everyday center fielder, Howe flashed a characteristic smile and said, “Let’s go day-to-day.”

Cedeno, who always seems to smile even in the most trying times of his career, tried to put a positive spin on his current status but was clearly upset. It was his third day off in the last six games.

He admitted he now comes to the ballpark unsure of whether he’s starting and didn’t know he wasn’t playing until being told by reporters.

“I know I’ve gotta go back and get four hits [in the next start], and maybe I’ll be in the lineup the next day,” said Cedeno, who claimed he wasn’t frustrated.

Timo Perez was batting second and playing center, and Howe said the emphasis was on trying to break the game open early against former Met righty Jeff D’Amico.

Last season, after signing a four-year, $18-million deal as a free agent, Cedeno tripped out of the gate. He hit a miserable .202 and was dumped from the leadoff spot to the seventh hole by former manager Bobby Valentine. He finished at .260 but only scored 65 runs and stole 25 bases, 10 of which came in September.

Cedeno is a lifetime .199 hitter in April.

“For me, it’s not new to start slow,” Cedeno said. “We’re all struggling, but we take it as a challenge.”

Cedeno does feel singled out. A reporter began a question with, “The heart of the order . . . ”

” . . . is struggling too,” Cedeno said, finishing the sentence. “They’re in there.

“I control what I can control,” he concluded.

Alomar, who only hit leadoff once previously this year (0-for-5 at Florida on April 8), realized a shake-up was necessary considering the Mets’ predicament. The club is already in last place four games off the pace.

“I’m happy [Howe] talked to me,” Alomar said. “He told me this is best for the team.

“I’m swinging the bat good. And I take pitches, so hopefully I can make the guy work.”

Last season, Alomar seemed to be disturbed by Valentine’s lineup shuffling, but he said yesterday he wasn’t. The emphasis is on winning games, he acknowledged.

“Whatever it takes,” he said. “I never complain to hit first or second. I respect what Art is doing. That’s all you can ask.”