US News


Don’t know what to study in college? How about suicide?

Students at Griffith University in Brisbane, Australia, can now enroll to become a “Master of Suicidology.”

The two-year degree offers social workers and researchers the chance to study suicide techniques and prevention methods.

A substitute teacher found an unorthodox way of keeping her 20 second-grade students quiet – she taped their mouths shut.

Newman Montilla, who was fired immediately, “wanted to see what would happen if she kept their mouths taped through lunch,” said Heidi Perlman, of the Bruce School in Lawrence, Mass.

“The teacher allegedly said one of the students asked if she would put tape over the student’s mouth. So she did, and then another student asked for it and then another, and before long, they all had tape on their mouths.”

A 3-year-old girl miraculously survived a week in an apartment with her dead grandma.

Little Michaela Porter played with stuffed animals and ate potato chips and cookies after her grandmother Doris Fay Porter died of heart failure in their Nashville apartment. Family friends finally discovered the horror.

“We don’t think she really understood the grandmother was dead. She thought she was sleeping,” said Department of Children’s Services spokeswoman Carla Aaron.

University of Delaware freshman Jessica Sinks won top honors last week – in the school’s fake-orgasm contest.

Nelly’s “Hot in Herre” played from the stereo as two male and four female contestants moaned, hollered and screeched in mock ecstasy during the annual student “Sextravaganza” festival.

“It felt good to win. I was inspired by the [famous deli scene in] ‘When Harry Met Sally,’ ” beamed Jessica, who won a bottle of body wash.

Here’s one for the Get-a-Life Department – a new Web site devoted to pictures of dogs riding in cars.

Jerome Turner of Dorset, England, says he originally launched as a goof, but the site instantly took off.

“I had a camera in my car and just started taking pictures of dogs in cars as a joke,” said Turner, 25, who now gets over 4,000 hits daily worldwide.