US News


Lizzie Grubman is back in the Hamptons for the first time since her infamous accident 19 months ago, but her return is not a happy event – she rushed back because a family member was stricken ill and hospitalized.

Grubman was spotted at the Princess Diner in Southampton and at Southampton Hospital. When contacted, she said her homecoming was very stressful.

“This is the first time I’m back in the Hamptons since the accident,” said a concerned Grubman at the hospital yesterday.

“A family member is ill. I took the red-eye in from Los Angeles, where I was on a business trip.”

She declined to name the relative, but authorities at Southampton Hospital said a Deborah Grubman – Lizzie’s stepmother – was a patient there.

Until her legal troubles were over, Grubman was exiled from the Hamptons by her lawyers, who kept her out of Suffolk County – except for court appearances and her term in the jail there.