

FASHION Week can be a time for self-reflection. When better to take stock of your own status in the style world? It’s all in the invitations you receive (or don’t), the parties you attend (or unsuccessfully crash) and the champagne you drink (or pour for others).

Find out whether you’re fab – or finished – by taking this quiz:

1 Do you get invited to the “Big Three”: Donna Karan, Calvin Klein and Ralph Lauren? Add 5 points for each

2 Do you get your seating assignments messengered to you ahead of time? Add 5 points for each invite

3 Did you get standing room tickets at BCBG? Subtract 3 points

4 Did you get standing room tickets at Anna Sui? Add 3 points

5 Do you get front-row seats at Ralph Lauren’s intimate show? Add 5 points

6 Does Ralph give you his patented “point and smile” when he walks down the runway at the end of his show? Add 30 points

7 At the Tents, do the security guards know who you are? Add 3 points

8 Is it because you’ve been kicked out of so many shows for crashing? Subtract 3 points

9 In the past, have you successfully scored a front-row seat at hard- to-access shows by adopting a French accent and claiming to be Paris Vogue editor Carine Roitfeld’s assistant? Add 5 points

10 Do designers send you flowers with your invitations to their show? Add 5 points for each bouquet

11 Do they send you clothes to wear to the show? Add 20 points

12 Do you get a gift bag on your chair at most shows? Add 3 points

13 Does the CFDA (Council of Fashion Designers of America) send you a giftbag? Add 5 points

14 Is part of your job drinking champagne and socializing between shows? Add 3 points

15 Is part of your job to pass out flutes of champagne between shows? Subtract 3 points

16 Do photographers from Japanese magazines always want to take your picture? Add 1 point for each time you’re stopped

17 Does “Full Frontal Fashion” reporter Robert Verdi stop you to ask, “Where’d you get that?” Add 3 points per stop

18 Do The Post’s style photographers stop you? Add 5 points per stop

19 Which row are you seated in at the Marc Jacobs show? Add 30 for first, 20 for second, 10 for third or fourth, and 5 for just being allowed in

20 Do you get invited to Marc’s famous after-party? Add 5 more points

21 How about the dinner after the after-party? Add 30 more points

22 Every pair of Manolo Blahniks you’ve broken running to shows. Add 10 points

23 Each day you turn up at a show wearing the same outfit as Brittany Murphy. Subtract 10 points



Over 100: “You’re a front-row legend, Ms. Wintour! We’re not worthy! We’re not worthy!”

70-99: “Come right in, Miss Paltrow. Mr. Klein has seated you in the front row.”

20-69: “Darling! You look fabulous! What’s your name again?”

0-19: Not bad for an editorial assistant.

Less than 0: “security!”