US News


Catch it before it melts.

With that in mind, city residents and visitors descended on Central Park yesterday to enjoy the day after the first White Christmas since 1969.

Michael Grey, 11, of Jacksonville, Fla., was there and took full advantage of the 5 inches of snow that fell in the park – whooping with delight as he sledded down a hill.

“This is my first time seeing snow ever,” he said. “I couldn’t believe it when it started – it’s really weird for me because I’m from Jacksonville. I’ve been sledding down the hill all morning-at least 50 times.”

Capers Kuhnert, 47, of Berlin, who is visiting relatives in New York, brought her son, Daniel, 10, and daughter, Lilly, 4, to the park to go sledding.

“We’ve been here since early this morning, and the kids go home to warm up, then come back over and over,” said Capers. “They’ve gone down the hill at least 40 times now. It’s been a great Christmas in the city for us.”

Manhattanites Sam and Don Kelley – 24- and 28-year-old brothers – had just as much fun riding downhill on a huge inner tube.

“We couldn’t wait to get here. This is the best,” said Don. “We both have off from work all week, so it’s fun time.”

Doug Bauer, 43, and Laura Pappas, 41, of Atlanta, didn’t have a sled, but were overjoyed to see the blanket of white.

“The city looks gorgeous covered in snow,” said Doug. “We came last summer, so we came back to see the contrast, and I’m tickled to death it snowed for Christmas.”

At City Hall, Mayor Bloomberg couldn’t resist trying to win a few points with voters, saying, “I will take full credit for being the first mayor in [33] years to deliver a white Christmas.”