US News


Lawyers for St. John’s basketball player Grady Reynolds want to look at the college files of the fellow student who accuses him of assaulting her, it was revealed yesterday.

And that outrages the mother of Rachel Seager, the St. John’s University swimmer who is pointing the finger.

“I just think it’s a disgrace,” said Cindy Seager. “The fact is, my daughter was injured. Them going and looking for dirt is a shocker.”

Reynolds’ lawyers have subpoenaed the university for Rachel Seager’s student-athlete file for possible use as evidence at his criminal trial.

That file contains personal information, including any disciplinary action against Seager, who last year was written up for an altercation with another female student.

Judge Steven Paynter told the defense to cite law or precedents that support their argument before he will consider reviewing the file.

Seager claims Reynolds harassed and assaulted her on Nov. 17.

A police report says Reynolds pushed Seager’s head into a bathroom wall twice, and threw her to the ground, dislocating her kneecap.

He has pleaded not guilty to third-degree assault and second-degree harassment – both misdemeanors – and remains free on $500 bail.

St. John’s men’s basketball coach Mike Jarvis has allowed Reynolds to continue playing – maintaining he is innocent until proven otherwise.