Feds are turning up the heat on tough-minded Andrew Fastow by preparing to charge the former Enron chief financial officer’s wife.

A federal grand jury reportedly has heard testimony about Lea Fastow, who will be 41 next week, regarding money she and the family may have received from Enron.

At least one transaction triggered prosecutors. Lea Fastow, the former Lea Weingarten, got $54,000 as administrative assistant for one of Enron’s phony partnerships called Chewco, according to a Justice Department filing.

Sources familiar with the situation said Lea Fastow’s position was a “no show” job and prosecutors have alleged the money was a “kickback.” That money could be considered the proceeds of criminal acts according to legal experts.

Andrew Fastow, widely believed to have been the architect on the thousands of allegedly fraudulent partnerships that sunkEnron, was indicted on 78 felony counts last month.