US News


Deputy Mayor Dan Doctoroff yesterday was peppered with questions about the city’s bid for the 2012 Olympics at a City Council hearing.

“Everything we’ve tried to do is designed to have an after-Olympic use – everything we’ve tried to do is for the communities,” Doctoroff said after going through the plans for an Olympic Village in Queens, high-speed ferries around the five boroughs and the extension of the No. 7 subway line.

But council member Christine Quinn (D-Manhattan) questioned whether the plans were less about the communities and more for the Games.

“People say to me, ‘Go fight for more buses,'” Quinn said.

Doctoroff also tried to allay concerns over security issues, saying the NYPD would have a major presence.

“The reality is no other city in the world has the experience hosting security-intensive events,” the deputy mayor said.