US News


As U.N. inspectors hunted for weapons violations in Iraq, U.N. workers in New York took yesterday off for the Muslim holiday Eid Al-Fitr, which celebrates the end of Ramadan.

The United Nations shuts down for Christian and Muslim holy days – Christmas, Good Friday, Eid Al-Fitr and Eid Al-Adah – but stays open for the holiest days on the Jewish calendar.

The United Nations has even held key addresses on Jewish High Holy days. It also stays open for Buddhist and Hindu holidays.

“This is an outrage, but not surprising. It’s a reflection of how the U.N. does not behave evenhandedly toward Israel,” said Dina Siegel Vann, U.N. director for B’nai B’rith.

Since the United Nations’ creation in 1945, it has shut down for Christmas and Good Friday. Four years ago, a U.N. committee that deals with administrative and budgetary issues recommended it also close for the two Muslim holidays.

Fifty-four countries voted to do so, 25 voted against and two abstained.

The General Assembly then adopted the recommendation without a vote.

At the time, the U.S. representative said the decision contradicted the “secular nature” of the UN and didn’t “promote equity among the very diverse religions and cultures.”

The United States also objected for budgetary reasons because “it costs money to shut the U.N. down.”