US News


Life is tough in San Francisco this week – the strippers at the Lusty Lady Club have gone on strike.

Wearing pink T-shirts that read, “Bad girls like good contracts,” the exotic dancers are picketing outside, shouting, “Two, four, six, eight, pay me more to gyrate!”

“We want respect,” said Vivian, 27, who calls for management to restore a $3-an-hour pay cut and return to the top scale of $27 an hour. (m)


An Italian man who vanished in 1958 after telling friends he was leaving for America turned up dead – along with his suitcases and a suicide note – inside one of the walls of his former Tuscany home yesterday.

The remains of Nemo Cianelli were discovered during a renovation. Police said it appeared he had packed his bags, walled himself in with a trowel, then shot himself after discovering he had an incurable illness. (s, lcf)


Italian police used their noses to catch two shoplifters who raided a perfume shop.

The thieves accidentally smashed a bottle of jasmine perfume as they ran out of the store in Perugia.

Cops followed the scent, and found two men, ages 22 and 29, in an alleyway with $600 worth of designer perfumes.


Like to laugh? Then steer clear of the wildlife parks in Australia.

A group of women learned that lesson when they were booted from Brisbane Forest Park for laughing too loudly.

The park ranger who gave the order told the out-of-control chucklers they were scaring wildlife.


Here’s one surefire way to get tossed out of court: Smear yourself with your own doo-doo.

That’s exactly what Lance Sheffield did before the start of his murder trial in Bartow, Fla. – and he was promptly banned from the courtroom.

It’s one of several asinine pranks he’s pulled in court. Earlier this year, Sheffield threw feces at bailiffs and corrections officers, spat on his lawyer’s lapel and yelled at an imaginary co-defendant.


The California desert is pockmarked with tiny hills these days, thanks to millions of venomous ants that have invaded Palm Springs and other towns.

Inspectors are finding mounds scattered across 2,400 square miles. “Every day, we discover new sites. We can control it, but we can’t eradicate it,” said biologist Milad Faragalla.

One colony of the tiny, aggressive ants can produce as many as 5,000 queens and 100,000 workers. After mating in the air, each queen ant flies off to form a new colony nearby.