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Britney Spears says she’s shedding her good-girl image and no longer claiming she’ll remain a virgin until marriage.

“Who really cares if I’ve had sex?” the 20-year-old pop tart tells next week’s People magazine.

“If I have a drink or I’m with someone, I’m human. I’m no different than anyone else my age.”

She admits: “Until about a year ago, I was trying to fit an image and trying to be someone I wasn’t.”

Britney’s revelation shouldn’t come as too much of a surprise.

Earlier this summer, the blond hit maker shocked fans when she was caught smoking a cigarette. And last year, she was found holed up for three nights in the honeymoon suite of a Rio hotel with her then-boyfriend, *NSYNC’s Justin Timberlake. Britney now says she’ll take a break from recording and touring to re-evaluate her life.