US News


A Board of Education higher-up was slammed with an $8,000 fine for forcing underlings to work for her pet charities and run her errands while on the job, the city Conflicts of Interest Board announced yesterday.

Birdie Blake-Reid, former head of the 45-member Office of Parent and Community Partnerships, doled out personal chores to four subordinates from 1997 through 2001, the board said.

The fine – $4,000 in cash and $4,000 in forfeited leave time – is one of the highest ever issued by the board.

Blake-Reid, who earns nearly $144,000 a year, still works for the board, but was transferred on July 12.

She is now an aide to Acting Deputy Chancellor for Instruction William Casey, but a spokeswoman for Chancellor Harold Levy said the transfer had nothing to do with the city investigation.

“The chancellor was not happy with the performance of the office,” spokeswoman Katie Marshall said.

Blake-Reid, president of a Brooklyn youth group and warden of a church, ordered her employees to do office work for the organizations, such as making copies and contact lists.

One employee who fell behind on his official work was paid overtime so he could catch up, the probe found.

Blake-Reid and her lawyer did not return calls for comment.

The COIB began investigating after fed-up employees complained to the city.