US News


MAYOR BLOOMBERG is betting that a super lawyer with little experience in education can turn around the New York City schools system.

But neither he nor new Chancellor Joel Klein laid out an educational blueprint on how to do so during their press conference yesterday at the refurbished Tweed Courthouse behind City Hall.

They said it was premature to do so – but not everyone agrees.

“He’s got to define his educational agenda – now. It’s got to be his first priority,” said New York University Professor Joseph Viteritti.

Education experts said the New York City schools system may prove a more formidable challenge to Klein than Microsoft, the software giant he took on for antitrust violations.

He’ll need help.

“Klein is a bright guy. He’s organized. He’s tough. But the other shoe hasn’t dropped – he needs a No. 2 person who knows curriculum and instruction,” said Sy Fliegel of the Center for Educational Innovation.

It looks as if Bloomberg and Klein will avoid some of the radical and controversial reforms instituted in other cities.

The mayor has ruled out publicly funded vouchers that give poor parents the option to send their kids to parochial or other private schools, as is the case in Cleveland and Milwaukee.

Bloomberg also isn’t looking to bring in private firms to manage failing schools, as is being done in Philadelphia.

Former Schools Chancellor Frank Macchiarola said the quest to improve the schools will be harder than reducing crime.

“This is not an area where you can compel obedience,” he said.

“Teachers can stand on their heads and spit out nickels. But teachers can’t get the job done unless parents and students are prepared.”

Those who know Klein say he has political savvy – and observers say he’ll need all of it and more to navigate the treacherous currents that have drowned many chancellors before him.