US News


The defiant mom of embattled NBA star Allen Iverson spoke out yesterday for the first time since his brush with the law – and defended her son as a good man who would never hurt anyone.

“I know my child. I know he’s not capable of doing all this crazy stuff,” Ann Iverson said as she entered her son’s suburban Philadelphia estate.

“I ain’t raised no deranged person,” she said.

“He’s got a gorgeous heart – he’s a good man.”

Iverson, 27, is set to surrender to police today on charges he terrorized two men during an armed hunt for his wife July 3.

His mom, who brought him some Eddie Murphy and Richard Pryor videos, said he’s not worried.

“He’s not nervous about tomorrow,” she told reporters.

“He’s gotta do what he’s gotta do. He knows the law’s gotta do what they gotta do.”

She would not discuss her take on the facts of the case.

“Let it all come out in court,” she said.

One new fact came out yesterday.

Police said suspicious stains found in Iverson’s car turned out not to be blood.

“His kids ride in the car. We think that the stains probably [were made by] the kids,” a police official said.