US News


Catherine Zeta-Jones is forking over a cool $1.5 million to build her dream house in the beautiful Welsh countryside where Dylan Thomas lived.

The curvy beauty – who named her son by actor Michael Douglas after the poet – told pals she’s green-lighted the project so the 2-year-old never loses touch with his Welsh roots.

Zeta-Jones, 32, already has her toddler on a waiting list for the exclusive Llandovery College, one of Wales’ top private schools.

Her new home – in the town of Mumbles, just four miles from Thomas’ Swansea birthplace – will include a library, four massive bedrooms, a family room and a gym.

She and her 57-year-old, Oscar-winning hubby are expected to stay there regularly once it’s completed, which should be by Christmas.

The Hollywood power couple already have residences in California, Colorado and New York.

Zeta-Jones’ parents, Dai and Pat, will move from their home in Swansea to look after the mansion.

Mumbles residents are ecstatic at the prospect of their glitzy new neighbors.

“It would be a hell of a boost for the village,” said Roger Llewellyn, owner of the Antelope pub.