US News


The city’s public schools will have a new chancellor at the helm by September, Mayor Bloomberg said yesterday.

“The answer is yes. I mean, I hope so. I think so. I’m optimistic,” the mayor said on his weekly WABC Radio show when asked if he will pick a new education czar by September.

City Hall officially takes over the school system on Monday.

When he was handed control of the schools on June 12, Bloomberg was less certain he would have a chancellor in place by the first day of school.

Bloomberg also said he laid out a “minimum” set of criteria for candidates, but will not talk to them until search leader Nat Leventhal has whittled the list down to three to five.

The mayor also answered people who poked fun at the city’s plan to run two want ads tomorrow to help with the hunt.

“Supposing there’s somebody great out there. I don’t want to leave any stone unturned,” he said.