

Chris Chambliss doesn’t own a medical license. But if the Mets’ newly appointed hitting coach wants to enhance his job security, he had better start thinking like a doctor.

Mo Vaughn, Roberto Alomar, Roger Cedeno and Jeromy Burnitz are suffering maladies of the offensive nature, which means half of the everyday lineup is sick. To date, none of the four has looked like their former healthy selves.

If Chambliss can correctly diagnose what’s wrong with these four key players, the Mets have a chance in the playoff chase. If not, there’s going to be a predictable demise on Sept. 29.

“Chris is a terrific guy,” Bobby Valentine said before last night’s game against Minnesota. “He comes here to work.

“I’m getting to know and like him, and the guys will get to like him, too, I think.”

What’s wrong with Vaughn? The 34-year-old first baseman has tried everything: Maple bats, ash bats, clear bats, black bats, ankle weights, hotel-room discussions and phone calls with Mike Easler.

Vaughn hit .272 with 36 homers and 117 RBIs in the 2000 season with Anaheim, which was his last full season. Last year, he was sidelined by a ruptured bicep tendon in his left arm.

And yet the career .298 hitter looks nothing like he did during his salad days in Boston – or even two years ago. Vaughn is behind or fouling off fastballs, and no longer driving the ball the other way or straightaway.

Valentine says Vaughn is just a hair off, but it’s impossible to say whether he’ll ever recover that timing. Three warning-track outs on Tuesday and Wednesday provide hope, but not runs.

Burnitz’s problem has to do with pitch recognition. The Mets right fielder is way in front of off-speed pitches and some fastballs, sending hazardous foul balls (and a few flying bats) into the first-base stands.

The 33-year-old used to be one of the majors’ most fearsome sluggers, but he’s had a problem staying back on the ball.

A four-game hitting streak (6-for-13) raised his average 16 points to .211 before last night, but he was still 46 points below his career average. Before last night he’d only driven in three runs for June and was on pace for a 141-strikeout season. But after admitting he had gotten down on himself, Burnitz feels better mentally.

He, like Vaughn, was not in the lineup against Twins lefty Eric Milton last night.

“I like working with [Chambliss],” Burnitz said. “Things are going well.

“When you’re struggling as I have, it’s a blow to your confidence. You don’t feel as good mentally.”

Alomar’s problems are almost entirely one-sided: he’s having a terrible year from the right side of the plate. The prolific switch-hitter has struggled mightily against southpaws. He was hitting .195 with a .231 on-base percentage before last night compared to his .299 average and .358 OBP when batting lefty.

Cedeno’s offensive illness is the most mysterious. In early May, he was benched for two games with his average in the low .200s. Within 10 games, Cedeno hit his way up to .253, but he’s been hovering around the .240s for the last four weeks.

“Until he gets hot and goes up another notch,” Valentine said. “I think he’s been hitting real well. His right-handed stroke has really come around.”