US News


The famous “Loose lips sink ships” campaign from World War II has been dusted off and retooled to fight terrorism.

The new drive by the National Security Agency features kitschy patriotic posters that look as if they’re straight out of the 1940s.

Retro drawings of parachutists, signalers and other young male and female military personnel appear with the warning: “Information security begins with you!”

Members of the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines are urged to always think twice before talking about their jobs and zip their lips when it comes to national secrets.

The full-color posters are being distributed to American military bases all over the world.

They’re also being printed in the newspapers Army Times, Navy Times, Air Force Times and Marine Corps Times.

“Unguarded information can be a valuable source of intelligence to our enemies,” said a spokesman for the National Security Agency.

“The increased threat of terrorism has intensified the demand for our military personnel to remain vigilant and alert, always on guard. This campaign is a visible reminder of this crucial responsibility.”

The posters – designed by the Baltimore ad agency Trahan, Burden & Charles – are expected to become instant collector items among service personnel.

The new effort represents the first time the NSA has ever commissioned a campaign from an outside advertising firm.