US News


Steven Gross doesn’t hold a grudge, at least when it comes to man’s best friend.

The 54-year-old from upstate Binghamton paid $1,000 to be reunited with his dog, Elmo.

City officials said the 5-year-old dog, a shepherd-Doberman mix, was seized in March after Gross frantically called police to report he was being attacked by the animal. Authorities said it was not the first time the dog had bitten its owner.

But Gross wanted his dog back anyway.

A judge ordered him to get a violent-dog license and liability insurance and to implant a computer-chip identification device on the dog. It cost Gross about $1,000 to comply.


A convicted killer who dismembered a Minnesota man and hid the body parts says he’ll return the severed head – by mailing it to the victim’s mom on Halloween.

Darnell Smith, 26, of Minneapolis, made the promise this week when he was sentenced to life without parole.

The man’s torso was found in Wisconsin, but the rest of his body is still missing.

Smith, who feared the victim was after his girlfriend, also told the court: “I know I’m a piece of s- – -. I have been all my life. Let the state take care of me. You can say goodbye to the bad guy.”


A wiseguy student in Maine taped a sign to his school bus reading: “Help! We’ve been kidnapped! Call 911.”

Cops thought the bus was being hijacked and followed it through the streets of Livermore Falls with eight patrol cars.

They finally pulled over bus driver Don LeSuer, who had no idea what was going on.

“I feel bad for the student who did this to me because he did it without thinking of the consequences,” he said.

The unidentified student may face disciplinary charges.


A California man has turned his divorce into a movie.

Steven Dworman wrote, produced, directed and starred in the $1.5 million film “Divorce: The Musical.”

It’s being shown at a Santa Monica theater, and more than 3,000 people have bought tickets in the past two weeks.

He denied making the film for revenge. “I didn’t do it to get even,” he insisted.