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Bet Liz Hurley’s wishing she hadn’t gotten so greedy.

The new mom was on the brink of peddling the first snaps of her baby for $1.4 million to one of two British celebrity magazines – until the vying glossies ganged up against her and announced the photos weren’t worth the cash.

Long-time rivals Hello! and OK! had been furiously bidding against each other for the exclusive pix of the tot, whom Hurley has kept in hiding at singer Elton John’s mansion since his birth April 4.

The bidding rocketed from $75,000 to $1.4 million until OK! boss Richard Desmond decided enough was enough.

For the first time in six years, he got on the phone to his archrival, Hello! boss Eduardo Sanches Junco, in Spain.

They agreed to offer the money-grabbing star a paltry $140,000, and share the pictures instead.

“Take it or leave it,” they told Hurley, according to Britain’s News Of the World.

Hurley then denied she’d wanted the money. Her spokeswoman said: “She never had any intention of accepting an offer but she was curious to see how high it would go.”