Teddy boys

Normally, one doesn’t associate Atlantic City with fantastic bear-viewing opportunities. But this weekend, more than 300 antique and vintage teddy bears will be on display as part of the “Largest Indoor Antique and Collectibles Fair in the World,” at the convention center. The world’s bear-collecting elite and the dealers who love them will all be on hand. The event features dealers from 43 states, Canada and Britain. For details: (800) 526-2724,

Cranky cruisers

Want to quit smoking? Book Carnival Line’s Paradise for a seven-day Caribbean cruise featuring the American Lung Association’s “Freedom from Smoking” program – seven stop-smoking clinics and seminars before, during and after the trip. The fee is $612 per person/double occupancy (plus airfare) and includes all the usual amenities, including 24-hour food (you’re going to need it). The cruise leaves from Miami on Sept. 15, Oct. 13 and Dec. 1. Guests violating the smoke-free policy must disembark the ship and fly home at their own expense. How’s that for motivation? For details, contact Dr. William Levy, a psychologist at Manchester Community College in Connecticut, (866) 512-2777,

Herr fare

Lufthansa’s daily flight to Munich now departs from JFK instead of Newark. For details about flight schedules: (800) 645-3880,

Get a free TV!

Remember when banks gave toasters to new customers? Now Insight Vacations is offering a 25-inch color TV to clients who book its air/land packages to Europe for travel through Dec. 31. Two possible trips: an 11-day, five-city tour of Spain priced from $1,370; or a nine-day, three-city trip to Italy, from $1,555; both per person/double occupancy. You must pay by March 31; you’ll get the tube (one per double-occupancy booking) shipped to you on your return. For details, contact your travel agent or