

PORT ST. LUCIE – He’s a power-hitting catcher for a New York team, is of Italian descent, and is a major movie buff. Yogi Berra fit the description yesterday as Mike Piazza does today.

After a recent workout, Piazza chatted at length about his favorite movies and actors, and about films he would like to see someone have the courage to make.

“Sean Penn,” he said when asked to name his favorite actor. “I like that he’s full of integrity. He never went after the largest-budget movies. He always wanted to act in projects that he was into. He’s very talented. I love watching him act, all the way back to “Carlito’s Way.” I watch that film all the time.”

Said Piazza: “I’m not much of a club guy. I’m more of a bar and lounge guy.”

In one such place in Manhattan, Piazza met his favorite actor.

“I was with a friend of mine and Sean Penn comes in the bar with another guy, looks at his friend and whispers: ‘That’s Mike Piazza.’ I felt like a little girl,” Piazza said. “It was one of the most flattering things that ever happened to me. Then he comes and sits down next to me. He was nice, you know real artsy like a lot of actors are, and a real nice guy.”

Piazza often reaches into his DVD collection and pulls out a Penn film. Not, however, as often as he enjoys watching George C. Scott in Patton.

“I’ve watched it over 500 times,” Piazza said. “I just think it’s the most incredible film. It shows that there is honor and glory on the battlefield. I could watch it again today and still get something different. It’s a deep film, all about honor and valor. He had so many facets to him. He was an Olympic athlete. His father was a Confederate general, a hero for the South. He’s so interesting and just so very strong, didn’t sway to be politically correct. He was true to his convictions. Whether you agree with him or not, you respect him.”

Other recommendations?

“Try to see “Something for Joey,” the John Cappelletti story. Awesome. Awesome,” Piazza said. “I like the made-for-TV version of “Les Miserables” with Anthony Perkins as the sheriff. It’s an obscure edition you can only get on video. I don’t think you can get it on DVD.”


“One of my favorites is ‘Papillon’ with Dustin Hoffman and Steve McQueen,” Piazza said. “Steve McQueen was one of the greatest actors in the history of Hollywood. The end of Papillon was so awesome. You never forget it. I won’t ruin it for you, but at the end of the movie, Steve McQueen has a look that’s so powerful. I’ve seen it about a dozen times.”

Piazza would like to see more genuine heroes on the big screen.

“You know what bums me out?” he asked. “There are no more John Wayne movies. There are a bunch of guys who won the medal of honor in Vietnam. All the Vietnam movies and not one is about those guys. Show me that story. Don’t always show me the guys who got blown apart. Not forgetting that, but show me a hero story from over there. Show me a triumph over tragedy. You know what I mean? I think the guys who came home and were called ‘baby killers’ deserve to see that story. Nobody talks about the guys who saved lives.”

And everybody talks about John Walker Lindh, the American Taliban. That bothers Piazza.

“As an American, I think he voided his rights as a citizen when he chose to serve in a foreign military and I think he should be in Guantanamo Bay facing the music with the rest of those guys,” Piazza said. “I don’t get it. Do you read your passport? The passport of the United States of America says you void your citizenship when you serve in the foreign military. Why is he here when he should be down in that prison, facing a military tribunal? We shouldn’t even hear from him, shouldn’t even see him. The only reason we do is we’ve got to placate the media, have to make a spectacle out of him. We have to see his lawyers on TV. What, is he going to do the talk-show circuit next? What, is he going to come out with a book? What’s next?”

A movie? Piazza wouldn’t watch it.