US News


Florida police are defending their decision not to test Noelle Bush for impairment after she admitted having taken a prescription drug before a September 2000 car crash.

The woman, daughter of Florida Gov. Jeb Bush and niece of President Bush, seemed confused after the early-morning fender-bender in Tallahassee.

But there was no reason to subject her to a blood test because she didn’t have red eyes or slurred speech, police said.

Instead, they gave her a traffic ticket and called an aide to the governor to drive her home.

Noelle – busted this week for allegedly trying to scam the tranquilizer Xanax out of a drugstore by impersonating a doctor – has at least four crashes on her record.

When a Tallahassee city cop arrived after the September 2000 crash, Bush told him she had taken a prescription drug, police spokesman Scott Hunt said, adding that the officer did not remember which drug it was.