US News


Lizzie Grubman got a big surprise yesterday when The Post marked her 31st birthday by giving her a cake.

“Oooh! This is soooo sweet!” cooed the blond p.r. princess outside her Midtown apartment building.

For a few moments, she couldn’t take her eyes off the tasty chocolate confection, which featured the infamous “Lizziemobile” in white frosting.

“Who sent it?” she asked.

When a Post reporter told her the cake was courtesy of New York’s favorite newspaper, Lizzie beamed an ear-to-ear grin.

“Thank you!” she roared.

Then she grabbed the cake, gingerly stepped into her waiting SUV and was whisked away to her public-relations office by a private chauffeur.

Lizzie’s birthday surprise was one of the few happy moments she’s had since mowing down 16 people with her SUV in the Hamptons last summer.

It was a welcome relief from the barrage of publicity over her upcoming trial, in which she faces assault and drunken-driving charges that could send her to the slammer.