US News


FBI agents, searching for $5 million an ATM manager is suspected of stealing, have found $3 million in a deserted Florida house, an agency spokeswoman said yesterday.

The cash, all in $20 bills, was found Friday night, stuffed into four huge duffel bags in a house in Boynton Beach, FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said.

Agents have been looking for the missing millions since Michael Schwartz drove away from his New Jersey home on Dec. 2.

Schwartz, suspected of pocketing the money he was supposed to use to restock New York City-area ATM machines, was found dead on Christmas Day in a West Palm Beach apartment.

Cops said he drank himself to death.

Orihuela said a Florida roommate of Schwartz’s, whom she identified as Christopher Lacroix, told agents about the $3 million at the deserted house on Friday night.

She said agents earlier had found $68,000 in a safe-deposit box under Lacroix’s name at a West Palm Beach bank.

The FBI also recovered $24,000 “from another person we’re not identifying,” Orihuela said.

She said nobody has been arrested or charged, in connection with the missing money.

Orihuela said Schwartz took his two Siamese cats, Bonnie and Clyde, with him when he drove away from his Jersey City home. She said they were given to his mother in Palm Beach County.