

The issue was aired, but the air may not have been cleared. Jason Arnott will take Larry Robinson at face value when the coach says benching will apply to every Devil. He’ll wait and see.

Arnott reacted angrily Saturday after being benched in the 2-1 victory in Raleigh, after taking a blatantly unnecessary unsportsmanlike-conduct penalty for arguing with ref Kerry Fraser.

“There are two sets of rules on this team,” Arnott said angrily Saturday, implying that other Devils don’t suffer such disciplinary actions.

By last night, Arnott had discussed his concerns and his benching with his coach.

“I had a talk with Larry and he said it’s going to be the same for everybody,” Arnott said before the Devils completed their first half by facing the Kings last night at the Meadowlands.

“I’m not going to make a big deal about it. He’s the coach and he has to make the decisions. Unsportsmanlike-conduct penalties have cost us in the past, but it’s tough because tempers fly and its part of the game.”

Arnott has already had his alternate captaincy taken away this season by Robinson. That honor was shifted to Bobby Holik, who has made clear his refusal to re-sign with the team before he turns unrestricted free agent this summer.

Arnott’s benching could have been perceived as another snub from his coach, if his crime had not been quite so blatant. He was expected to back to regular duty last night, although it was uncertain if he’d skate with usual linemate Petr Sykora.

While separated from Arnott after the benching, Sykora scored both Devils goals Saturday while playing with Scott Gomez as his center.

Arnott was certain, however, to be separated from other “A” Line member Patrik Elias, who remained out of the lineup for a second straight game last night. Elias spent Sunday and much of yesterday in the hospital receiving intravenous antibiotics to combat an infection in his left hand.

Meanwhile, Scott Stevens returned to the lineup after sitting out the final 23 minutes Saturday. Stevens was struck in the groin by a Bates Battaglia pass that deflected up off Stevens’ stick.

“Yesterday I was still sore,” Stevens said. “It’s nerves. My stomach was cramping yesterday, but today it didn’t. I’ve had it before, obviously, but usually it’s five minutes. This didn’t come around for a long time.”

Stevens said he broke out “a new jock,” noting that his old one had stretched, a situation he promises will not happen again, and cautioning others to take similar precautions.


Devils will hold their annual Coat Drive when they play host to Flames tomorrow . . . Devils were 3-1 in last four, winning all three by 2-1 scores . . . Devils had killed off 21 straight penalties over eight games.