

Ten men crowded into the fourth-floor executive suite at Shea Stadium the afternoon of Oct. 15. In a few hours, across the Triborough, the hated Yankees would clinch a fourth straight AL title.

But the officials present – Mets GM Steve Phillips, his inner circle of Jim Duquette, Omar Minaya, Carmen Fusco and Gary LaRocque, minor-league officials Kevin Morgan and Jack Bowen plus Bobby Valentine, Fred Wilpon and media relations head Jay Horwitz – needed no further motivation after watching six unacceptable months of 82-80.

Three months later, it is remarkable how different things have turned out from the way they were planned. On that afternoon, Robbie Alomar’s name arose, but Phillips thought it such a “pipe dream,” he all but dismissed it. Phillips already had told the Yanks he would not swap Robin Ventura for David Justice. Sluggers available in free agency or trade were listed with Barry Bonds and Jason Giambi on top. Valentine harped on Mo Vaughn only to be – in Phillips’ recall – “pooh-poohed” by the GM, who felt the Angel slugger unobtainable due to financial reasons.

The three recurring themes of the meeting were to think outside the box to obtain seemingly unobtainable players – “creativity” was the word used – to find versatile/athletic types to fit Valentine’s style and, firstly, to land run producers to upgrade the majors’ worst offense. But the greatest roster alteration in the franchise’s 40-year history was inconceivable that day. Rather than run-producing outfielders as imagined, the Mets remade the infield right side with Vaughn and Alomar, obtained non-power bats in Roger Cedeno and Gary Matthews Jr., and pitchers Shawn Estes, Mark Guthrie, Satoru Komiyama and David Weathers. And they were still shopping in the new year, linked to another long-shot name from that original board – Juan Gonzalez.

“What has ended up being done is not the vision we had going into the offseason,” Phillips admitted. “It just unfolded.”

How did one-third of the roster – to date – change? After interviews with more than a dozen agents and major league executives, The Post can bring you the intriguing inside story:


Wanting a postseason lefty bat and to keep Drew Henson in the minors next season, the Yanks nearly obtained Ventura in late August for Adrian Hernandez with the Mets picking up $2 million of the vet’s $8.25 million 2002 salary.

Yankee GM Brian Cashman wanted to revisit the issue, but use the similar salary of Justice ($7 million) to get Ventura. But, afraid the story would leak and disrupt the Yanks’ four-peat quest, he waited until three days after the World Series to call Phillips, who shunned the proposal.

In late November, pushed by Minaya, Phillips reconsidered and asked for Justice’s medical data. By then, Oakland was offering prospects for Justice. Cashman, though, preferred Ventura, seeing the money and talent required to acquire the best third basemen available, Scott Rolen and Jeff Cirillo, as too great. However, Cashman was being pressured by George Steinbrenner to complete any deal as the Jason Giambi negotiations dragged unexpectedly. On Dec. 6, Cashman told Phillips he had to 6 p.m. or Justice would go elsewhere. Phillips dealt, especially since Cashman revealed the mystery team, the A’s, meaning Justice could be moved again.

But with that trade completed, Phillips truly believed his 2002 lineup would feature Justice hitting third in left and that Matt Lawton would go to Milwaukee for Jeromy Burnitz to bat fifth and play right. However, the hated Yanks had enabled the Mets to begin pushing dominoes that would lead to Alomar and Vaughn hitting third and fifth, respectively, and Cedeno batting leadoff.


At an Oct. 24 press conference, new Indians GM Mark Shapiro announced manager Charlie Manuel would return, but for money reasons Gonzalez would not. Phillips called Shapiro to commiserate. He understood tough financial parameters. Wilpon had mandated not exceeding last year’s $95 million payroll, a target toughened since the Mets had no major free agents leaving.

During the conversation, Phillips realized Alomar might be in play. He began calling Shapiro regularly, including weekends and at health clubs. The Ventura deal was critical. No longer were only outfield slots open. Now third base or second – with Edgardo Alfonzo moving to third – were available. From the outset, the Indians stated a deal must be built around Lawton and Alex Escobar. With Ventura now gone, the Mets agreed to the duo.

But that did not complete the trade. The Indians needed more for a Hall of Famer. They wanted Frank Catalanotto from Texas, and on a few occasions the Mets thought they would get him. But former Indian GM and current Ranger boss John Hart would not facilitate matters. Without a three-way possibility, Phillips pushed Shapiro; time to deal or not. The Mets originally would not include Jerrod Riggan, and that killed matters. Riggan, though, was back in. Cleveland asked for Bruce Chen, infielder Jose Reyes or pitcher Neal Muser, and when the sides settled on pitcher Billy Traber, the Mets had completed the deal (steal?) of the offseason.


The Mets, Yankees and Mariners wanted Cedeno. On Friday night, Dec. 7, Cedeno was taken to dinner in Tampa by Seattle GM Pat Gillick and his wife, manager Lou Piniella and his wife, assistant GM Lee Pelekoudas and coach Lee Elia. The restaurant was Malio’s, Steinbrenner’s favorite for baseball business.

And Steinbrenner was there. He went to say hi to Piniella and, in horror, saw Cedeno being wooed. He tried ushering Cedeno to The Boss’ private backroom. But if that night sated his ego and stomach, Cedeno’s heart was elsewhere.

Piniella talked of open communication and unlimited green lights to run, and each item made Cedeno blurt that it was “just like Bobby.” Cedeno enjoyed his finest season for Valentine in 1999 and longed to return. It proved a common offseason theme. Valentine’s reputation is as a player repellent, but his recruitment would be key in landing Cedeno, Vaughn and Komiyama.


No one worked the winter meetings harder than Phillips, and on Dec. 11 and 12 that meant extreme overtime. A deal is not a deal without a signature as Arizona learned recently with David Wells. Phillips knew this.

On Dec. 11, Phillips heeded the advice of Duquette and Minaya, who did not want the obsession with offense to obscure the need for a bullpen veteran. The Mets seriously considered free agent Mike Williams. But Bob Apodaca, back in the organization after a stint as Brewer pitching coach, talked up Weathers and a three-year pact was forged.

But the reliever could not be contacted until the next day. Phillips knew several clubs, including the Dodgers, were interested. So to keep Weathers’ agents from negotiating elsewhere, Phillips spirited Jeff Borris and Dan Horwits into a dimly lit corner of the Boston Sheraton bar, drank beyond closing time and watched the duo take an elevator to their rooms at about 2 a.m.

On Dec. 12, knowing he could trade Justice and cash to Oakland for Guthrie and save $5 million from what was Ventura’s contract, Phillips called Cedeno’s agent Peter Greenberg and said he was going to end the night with an outfielder. He was talking to Reggie Sanders’ rep and to the Padres about Bubba Trammell – both of whom are still considerations for the Mets.

But Cedeno was the main target. He had begun the offseason wanting three years at $21 million, four years at $26 million or five years at $30 million. But tough economic times and contraction threats would reduce bidders and salary offers everywhere, greatly assisting the financially constrained Mets. And here, just before 2 a.m., a four-year, $18 million understanding was reached. Greenberg departed. But Phillips roused his secretary, Denise Morris, out of bed to type the accord and the Mets’ general counsel, David Cohen, to OK the details. At 3 a.m., Phillips crossed to the opposite tower of the winter meetings hotel, knocked on the door and Greenberg – in pajamas – signed the deal.


Phillips and Giants GM Brian Sabean never saw each other at the meetings. But in six phone conversations they completed a trade of Desi Relaford and Tsuyoshi Shinjo for Shawn Estes. Having Estes made Phillips more comfortable trading Kevin Appier, whom the Angels wanted for Mo Vaughn. Valentine had pestered Phillips regularly about his Connecticut compadre, but was stunned when Phillips mentioned the possibility after downplaying it so much.

But there was still much contractual haggling to do with the Players Association involved, as well. Vaughn ultimately deferred $13.75 million of the $42 million he had remaining. But Vaughn had signed that contract while represented by Tom Reich. His new agent, Jeff Moorad, would, therefore, not get a penny. The feeling around the sport was Moorad would never have delivered Vaughn without an understanding that another client, Gonzalez, also would be signed and, thus, bring Moorad a commission. One GM was so convinced of the quid pro quo, that when Vaughn officially became a Met, the GM also moved Gonzalez’ name to the Mets on his office board listing teams and their players.

Phillips insists no such arrangement exists. Rather, the Vaughn deal merely reflects an offseason that started with a conceptual meeting Oct. 15 and through diligence and imagination has led to the Mets being crowned Hot Stove Champions.