US News


OSTENDE, Belgium.

THE Magnificent 6, the four firefighters and two cops on their way to a historic trip to Kabul, Afghanistan, will not only be bringing humanitarian relief to the scorched nation.

They will be carrying with them 150 letters from fifth- and sixth-graders from John Read Middle School in Reading, Conn.

Here are some of the touching excerpts:

“I really wish I could be up there with you guys and I would feel so happy,” writes Emily. “I would not only be a firefighter but a real hero.”

Chris Waskow, a fifth-grader, has poetry in his future:

“Dropping food for love and peace.

“So Afghanistan won’t like us least.

“Like your airplanes soon will soar, the fifth-grade team wishes you success.

“For you are doing what is best.”

Ninety-thousand tons of relief will join the letters in the airdrop, sponsored by “Spirit of America,” funded by Diageo-Guinness UDV.

Fifth-grader Allyson writes, in part:

“We appreciate you traveling such a far distance to make peace and deliver food in a place so dangerous. We are very thankful for your courage and bravery.”

Fifth-grader Shelly A. Beck writes:

“I consider you military heroes. These supplies will be saving many lives. Let the flag soar high. Happy Holidays.”

An unsigned letter from a sixth-grader says:

“Team heroes. You are doing a great thing for the world … just because some people are ruining our world, it doesn’t mean other people can’t save it. You have no idea how much respect I have.”

Fifth-grader Emma writes:

“Thank you for going to Afghanistan to deliver food and gifts. This is extremely kind of you to do when you could get injured. You haven’t only helped on Sept. 11, but have now done the most kindest thing in your power. I hope that God goes with you.”

And I hope God goes with you kids who are showing the absolute spirit of America.

The team of the Magnificent6 is made up of Fire Chaplain John Delendick, firefighters Donald Haede, Joseph Higgins and Larry Connors, and police Officer José Guerra and Detective Thomas McDonald – 24-karat heroes, every one of them.