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Cheers! Moderate drinking can slash the risk of a stroke, an advocacy organization reported yesterday.

The Stroke Association said that small amounts of booze can protect against ischemic strokes – those caused by blood clots blocking arteries. That kind of stroke accounts for 9 out of 10 cases.

“Drinking alcohol in moderation can help reduce your risk of a stroke,” said Eoin Redahan of the Stroke Association.

Alcohol thins the blood and can prevent clots from forming. It may also affect the way cholesterol is carried in the bloodstream, reducing the buildup of fatty deposits in the blood vessel walls.

But in the season of excess, the organization warned that heavy tippling dramatically increases the risk of a stroke and can put boozehounds on a one-way trip to the morgue.

“Binge-drinking is a big risk factor for a stroke, increasing your chance of a stroke by five times,” Redahan said. “Regular heavy drinking also increases your risk of a stroke.”

The other kind of stroke is hemorrhagic, where bleeding is caused by burst blood vessels. Alcohol provides no protection from this silent killer.

A pamphlet released by the association quotes a Scottish study that followed 6,000 men over nearly 20 years. The results revealed that heavy drinkers were twice as likely to die of a stroke.

Larger amounts of alcohol will send the boozer’s blood pressure soaring – the main risk factor in strokes.

The organization suggests that imbibers should not drink daily and should abstain several days a week. Those who find this difficult should get some help, the organization said.

“If you have problems controlling your intake, talk to your doctor,” said Redahan.