

IRVING – They all knew they would be challenged, but not quite this severely.

The Giants anticipated having a fight on their hands in the final month of the season, realizing their schedule was tougher and their status as defending NFC champions would make them a more attractive opponent to beat.

None of them, though, believed heading into today’s game with the Cowboys they’d be in the dire straights they’re in.

“When I made this statement I was not thinking 5-6 but I told Jim [Fassel] when we started we’re liable to have a better team and a worse record,” GM Ernie Accorsi said.

“I said we just have to hang in there and at the end if we make the playoffs we may be very good. Well, when I said that, this is not what I had in mind.

“I knew with the schedule we were going to be bloodied, what we’d have to do this year is hang in there. Well, it’s going to be more of a hanging in there than we anticipated but we’re still in it.”

Fassel this week banned talk of the playoffs but the concensus is the Giants need to win their remaining five games to be assured of a spot. “There ain’t no quit in none of us,” defensive tackle Keith Hamilton said. “If we go out there and play the way we’re capable of playing, I believe so much in it, that probably could be to our detriment, but I believe in the team so much, and Jim does too.

“Sometimes [the media] looks at him like he’s crazy, but I believe in my heart if we start playing like we’re capable, we can win five straight, but it’s only going to start with the first one in Dallas.”

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