US News


Cops want to know whether an accomplice helped millionaire murder suspect Robert Durst get the $37,000 that was in his car when he was busted and whether he visited the New York City area during his seven weeks on the lam.

“We’re certainly looking into the possibility that someone was assisting him,” said Westchester District Attorney Jeanine Pirro, who is investigating the disappearance of Durst’s first wife, Kathie, nearly 20 years ago.

Police are also checking out a report that Durst visited his childhood home in Scarsdale and also Western Connecticut State University in Danbury, where Kathie attended nursing school, while on the run.

“It definitely sounds reasonable,” one investigator said.

Durst, who was arrested for shoplifting last Friday, spent his last days of freedom near Bethlehem, Pa., home of Lehigh University, where he obtained an economics degree in 1965.

When cops opened the trunk of his rented Chevrolet Corsica Wednesday, they found $37,000 in cash, most of it in $100 bills, sources said.

They also found two .38-caliber handguns; ammunition; marijuana; and the driver’s license and Medicare card of Morris Black, the 71-year-old Galveston, Texas, neighbor whom Durst is accused of beheading and dismembering, sources said.

In trying to find out how Durst obtained the $37,000, cops plan to question Debrah Lee Charatan, the real-estate broker he married last January, sources said.

On Oct. 15 and 16, Charatan tried to withdraw all $1.8 million in cash from Durst’s account at a Manhattan branch of a New Jersey bank, but failed because Galveston police had frozen the account, police said.