US News


Midwood HS in Brooklyn yesterday fondly remembered alumnus Michael Jakes Jr., a sailor who died in a freak accident on a ship in the Arabian Sea.

Jakes, 20, graduated from Midwood in August 2000.

Staff at the school said he was excited about joining the Navy.

“We had a moment of silence in school for him. It’s ironic that today is Dec. 7 [the anniversary of the Pearl Harbor attack], a day of infamy. Once again, New York men are defending freedom,” said Midwood Principal Lewis Frohlich.

He described Jakes as “generous” to his peers and staff. Jakes was also an active member of the Black Heritage Alliance, a group that promoted and celebrated African-American culture.

Guidance counselor Maura McGovern said Michael was a scrappy student who struggled hard – but graduated.

“Michael was determined he was going to do it the right way – get his diploma,” McGovern said.

“And he liked the idea of serving his country. He liked the structure and he liked getting more training and education. He was very happy. It felt right for him. As a guidance counselor, that’s what you look for.”

“It’s very sad,” she added. “He was a nice, normal, solid kid you hope would be an example for others.”

Jakes, a fireman apprentice, died Tuesday of head injuries sustained in a fall from his bunk on the carrier USS Kitty Hawk. His family declined comment.