US News


Philadelphia Police Commissioner John Timoney yesterday said he has resigned to take a job as chief executive officer at the high-profile Manhattan private-security firm Beau Dietl Associates.

“They made me an offer I couldn’t refuse,” Timoney, a former NYPD deputy commissioner, told The Post.

In joining Dietl, a former NYPD detective, Timoney will be back working with the firm’s president, Mike Ciravolo, with whom Timoney shared a locker as a rookie cop in the 44th Precinct in The Bronx.

“To have somebody of his skill and vision is a thrill,” Ciravolo said.

The firm, which grossed $8 million last year, specializes in private investigation, security-guard and armored-car services – all in even greater demand since the Sept. 11 terror attacks and the ensuing bioterror threats, Ciravolo said.

Timoney told The Post he was leaving the top job in Philly “on a high note,” coming at the end of his fourth year as commissioner there. He said he originally planned to stay five years.

But, he explained, “The offer is just too good” and “the time might be right.”

Timoney was the NYPD’s deputy commissioner under Bill Bratton before being named Philadelphia’s top cop in March 1998.