Supermarket-tabloid king David Pecker said he may move his empire out of the state of Florida after running up an estimated $10 million in anthrax-related costs at the National Enquirer, Star, Globe and Sun.

Pecker said that he felt dissed by leaders on the federal, state and local level who have yet to rally to his side – and blasted Florida Gov. Jeb Bush in particular.

Palm Beach County commissioners had actually voted to give American Media $1,000 per employee as an incentive to stay – almost $400,000 for the nearly 400 workers.

One local business leader, Richard Rampell, a Palm Beach accountant who is a director on the county’s Business Development Board, was quoted in the local papers as blasting the proposed payout.

“This is the worst type of extortion a business can threaten: Give us money or we are going to move,” Rampell said.

That prompted Pecker to turn down the award and call a press conference saying he’s willing to move out of state.

“I don’t want the growth incentive plan,” said Pecker. “I told them to keep your $400,000. I’m opening up to the rest of the states, whoever wants us – I’d be willing to move.”

Regarding the governor, he said: “He went to visit a post office four miles away from our offices but never came to visit us – and we had a fatality.”

Bob Stevens, a photo editor at the Sun, died from anthrax. Another employee contracted the disease and recovered, while three others tested positive but displayed no symptoms and responded to treatment. All 400 employees and up to 300 others were put on antibiotics.

“I’m out of pocket $10 million,” said Pecker, who has been operating out of temporary offices in Delray Beach, Fla., because his headquarters remain closed and there is no timetable on reopening.

He said he is in the process of filing an insurance claim but is unsure how much he will be reimbursed.