

Amityville HS’s star center Jason Fraser will announce the college he will attend this morning and it might be St. John’s and not Villanova, as previously thought.

According to a well-placed source, Fraser had not called either school as of midnight last night to inform them of his decision. But he did make one call that could be quite telling.

Fraser invited his former Long Island Panther teammate, Tim Doyle, to the attend the news conference at his high school. Doyle already has signed with St. John’s.

Curtis Sumpter, another former AAU teammate who has signed with Villanova, was not invited, the source said. Doyle told Fraser he would not attend the announcement unless St. John’s was the choice.

Fraser told Doyle to read between the lines, the source said. Fraser, the 6-10, shot-blocking phenom who is considered one of the top five seniors in the nation, is a program maker.

As of Tuesday night, Fraser was putting out signals that he was Villanova-bound. But when that news started to spread, Fraser shifted gears, saying he was headed to Louisville. Clearly Fraser has decided to do his best to make today’s decision a surprise.