US News


THERE are 18 guys who will never see third-and-long on that glorious moment when the firefighters and the cops play their spirited football game.

They are the guys who died there. Where? Well, you know where.

What could be better than seeing the Bravest versus the Finest in a mudfest which I have celebrated for 30 years.

Hofstra University thinks naught of that.

If you can believe it – and I am telling the facts, Jack – Hofstra University has said no to hosting the traditional cops versus firefighters football game.

“Yeah, I am damn angry,” said Jimmy Higgins, retired cop and veteran of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association (PBA).

“I am 30 years a cop, that firefighters team lost 18 guys, and somehow Hofstra doesn’t want us to play there. Why?”

Higgins, representing both teams, asked for a meeting numerous times with Hofstra president Stuart Rabinowitz.

There were shrieks of silence. He was told to write a letter. He did.

“The president of the United States indicated while at ground zero he would be honored to attend that game,” Higgins said.

But Higgins did get a letter eventually signed by president Stuart Rabinowitz. The last paragraph said it all:

“After careful consideration, we have concluded that we are unable to host the event this year.”

Higgins is steaming and a fire hose will not cool him down.

“I mean, what do we have to do to honor these men who have given their life,” said Higgins.

“This is a freaking ritual, we played there for five years in the ’80s. We’ve also played in London. We’ve played in Las Vegas and for the last seven years at St. John’s University.

“But Hofstra is the place, because its stadium is bigger and we can raise more money for the families.”

“Yeah, I am damn mad. Do you know what? The alumni of Hofstra lost 20 people on Sept. 11. You would think they would have some sensitivity. But I never had a meeting, not a telephone call, just a letter that told me to f – – – off.”

I tried to call Rabinowitz and, given it was a Friday, perhaps, he took a long Thanksgiving.

I wanted to know why he would have denied a firefighter team, which lost 18 young lads, of having a game against their brothers, the cops.

“Please leave a message,” said that all-too-familiar answering machine.

I did.

I was polite, but I want to smack president Rabinowitz in the mouth.

As for veteran cop Higgins? “He is not worth my knuckles.”